Wat hebben auto’s, sterren en algen gemeen? Slotevent van (i)STEM@school - maandag 28 mei 2018 - KU Leuven - PLENUM 1 (09:45 - 11:00)

Alfred L. Hall, Ph.D., Assistant Dean, College of Education, The University of Memphis

This presentation will provide an overview of the national report, STEM Integration in K-12 Education: Status, Prospects, and an Agenda for Research.  The overview will describe the ongoing debate and dialogue in the U.S. about the presence of integrated STEM education in K-12 classrooms, as well as student access to such educational opportunities.  This debate is often characterized between the preference of “STEM for ALL” or specialized STEM schools for students with demonstrated abilities and interest in STEM.  Additionally, the presentation will highlight several recommendations from the national report that are intended to foster ideas and conversations regarding integrated STEM research, outcomes for students, program design and assessment.  Specific examples from two, integrated STEM schools in Memphis, Tennessee will be shared, as well.

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STEM Integration in K-12 Education: Status, Prospects and an Agenda for Research

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